#236 | October Q&A: Mom Friends, Tight Abdominal Muscles, Diabetes & Pregnancy, Velamentous Cords, Vitamin D & Breastfeeding

October 25, 2023

Hello everyone - it's your favorite day of the month, when we take your calls! As always, thank you for submitting your excellent questions to 802-438-3696 (802-GET-DOWN). Keep them rolling in! We love hearing from you.

Today, we kick things off with some of the hilarious comments and questions your husbands and partners have said during pregnancy and birth. Next, we dive into our questions beginning with one mom seeking guidance on how best to make mom friends after having a baby.  Another listener asks if it is true that her friend needed to have a C-section because her abdominal muscles were too tight. The answer is no, but we brought on pelvic floor specialist, Tara Gibson, to explain why. Next, we give our opinion on the recommendation for a mother with type 1 diabetes to have twice-weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests starting at 32 weeks. Is having a velamentous cord insertion a reason for needing a C-section or induction?

In the extended version of today's episode, always available ad-free on Apple subscriptions and Patreon, we answer the controversial question about the necessity of Vitamin D drops for breastfed babies, followed by another listener's concern about her "big baby" needing hourly glucose checks, questions on glucose, weaning, and more.

Finally, we close with a round of quickies including a question on VBACs, weaning from breastfeeding, and at last, our "personal question" of the month: the last show we each binged!

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Work with Trisha:

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View Episode Transcript

Hi, Cynthia Trisha. All the way from Europe, the Netherlands to be exact. I have some questions regarding and I hope to pronounce it velamentous cord insertion -

I mean, so to say this to a woman who has a nine pound baby, that's just like, that's not as humongous as we're led to believe. And if we didn't induce millions and millions of women per year, all those babies would have weighed more at birth because they would have been born later.

I was wondering about GBS and make urine. I know you guys have covered UPS a lot, but I kind of wanted another opinion. I was curious what you guys have to say,
considering divorce statistics. Why not do that? Yeah, we're gonna like send out the invitations. We're having a trial of marriage. Because we all know the statistics on divorce, come celebrate our trial of marriage.

Why not? That would be more appropriate. Yeah.

Okay, you're getting the wrong message from miss entirely.

I'm Cynthia Overgard, owner of HypnoBirthing of Connecticut, childbirth advocate and postpartum support specialist. And I'm Trisha Ludwig, certified nurse midwife and international board certified lactation consultant. And this is the Down To Birth Podcast. Childbirth is something we're made to do. But how do we have our safest and most satisfying experience in today's medical culture? Let's dispel the myths and get down to birth.

Okay, there we go. Hello, morning.

So welcome to the October q&a. Lovely day in the Northeast. Oh, Trisha, do you remember it was I think it was our Gosh, I don't know which q&a? It was. I think it was the August q&a, where we started the episode by sharing some What was it like? Weird advice? So

it was it was it was crazy things that providers said to mothers wasn't it?

Yeah. So one woman heard that episode and wrote in and she said I heard your August. Oh, yeah, your August q&a. And she said I was sad. I missed the prompt on Instagram asking for people to share weird pregnancy advice that they received. I was told by a staff member at the gym, not to lift my arms over my head or the cord would wrap around the baby's neck.

Okay, at least it was from someone at the gym and not from her doctor, but we actually have heard worse from doctors. So like, what the core doesn't stop pulsating. If it stops pulsating, the baby is dead. Remember that one? I want to sign Scott. Yeah, that I didn't share that in that episode. But I've shared that one before. Yeah. So don't move your arms over your head during your whole pregnancy for Nicolas as the cord, you know, Nature never expected when people come up with these things. I mean, I don't know I think I think ego is underneath it. They just want to sound smart. The whole you know,

be careful worded on tick tock and don't know any better. To be honest.

Like, just be careful. Don't put your arms over your head relax, really? For 10 months don't put can I reach for something on my closet shelf? Can I just never lose my arms? How does this work? Exactly. And how are the arms connected to the court? They're not that's why I know I know. They're not.

It's it's, it's an impossibility. That's why it's so absurd.

Alright, so these I didn't read much. I basically grabbed them and save them for today. So I don't even remember our prompt. But let me try to think about it was something like what are the funniest questions or comments your husband made or your partner made in pregnancy and murder this? Yeah. So I basically printed these all out. Great. We got tons of them. So let me scan or which ones are worth sharing? Okay. Okay, so during labor, he's, he screamed, I'm pushing as hard as I can. When I asked for more counter pressure on my hips. That's just a little. That's just a little irony for us. This one the woman said during labor, okay, she was carrying a boy they knew they were having a boy. And she said at one point, my sacrum hurts. And he thought she said that her scrotum hurts and was asking how she could feel the baby boy scrotum. How Why would a woman call it for a scrotum? Anyway? That's really weird. I don't know you're carrying a boy. You don't have a scrotum. And he thought that's what she meant. I think more people need to know the word sacrum. I think that's what's happening here. This woman says she got hemorrhoids pretty early on in pregnancy. And he said I really think it's from you wearing all those thong underwears

Oh, geez. First of all, underwears is not a word. I'm sorry.

That's my mistake. I don't know why I said that. I think it was not like you think I was scanning ahead? What was it? What I just I didn't even know what I was saying. He said I really think it's from you wearing thong underwear. You No, no, no, that's not a thing. But hemorrhoids are very common in pregnant really, really bad PR for thong underwear companies.

If you like your thong where your phone the day we

got home from the hospital, my husband asked how soon we can get pregnant again.

Wow. Yeah, bad timing guy. Read the room.

Husband, we got tons from women saying the husband was afraid to have sex because he thought he would poke the baby. I love that one. You must hear that a lot as a midwife.

I mean, it's just funny. It's like, okay, well, let's just dispel the myth right now, you're not going to hurt the baby. The baby is very well protected.

It's funny, it's hilarious. I told my husband I wanted to birth at home. And he called me anti science, that that rhetoric is just like, it goes so far. It doesn't even mean anything.

Right? I mean, then if he doesn't believe in homebirth, he's anti biology.

That's exactly the thing. Every time anyone says anti science, they themselves are anti nature, which is science, right? It's yeah, like if you believe in natural immunity, people can call it anti science. And it's like, this was the original science. It's earth signs. It's biology. This is science. They want to say anti chemicals in most cases, but they're calling it anti.

We could say we could say you're anti pharmaceutical. Yeah,

but that right? Anti chemicals, anti Pharma. Sure. But to say anti science, it's like we're forgetting Earth Science. The most important science, our founding design and biology course the one originating science all right, my husband didn't realize my body grows a whole new placenta each time. Oh, he thought the placenta just sticks around from I guess it just women. Women just grow one and they they stick with it. They this one talked with our midwives about catching their own baby about her receiving her own baby. And my husband declared you can't catch your own baby, you're going to be screaming. So he has been conditioned?

Yep. Watch many movies.

Okay, um

during transition, my husband said, I think you should focus less on the pain.

So Yikes.

That's like, like, the nights I couldn't sleep. My husband saying you just try. I just started thinking you just have to relax your mind and sleep. Or he said to me, you just have to decide to sleep like that is so helpful. I guess I didn't make that decision. My husband was telling to someone that the OB wanted to induce because something was wrong with the um, the unbiblical cord biblical. The unbiblical cord. So I don't know if they're religious, but if they are, and he thinks there's like a like a Freudian slip. Yeah, I mean, if he thinks there's a part of her body, that's unbiblical, that would, that would be quite the offense. 60 seconds after the birth, my husband said Finally my knees were starting to get sore by that pool. And she wrote in parentheses, I have the video of it.

She's never gonna let them live that down.

Did Paul ever say anything really funny. Do you know I do remember though, when Lola was born, you know, babies can look a little funky at the time of birth. And he told me later that he was very concerned that like his like, I thought like this, I thought we'd have better looking kid in Alien child like it really didn't understand what was happening. Because when she was coming out, he was watching. And you know how the head can like all the wrinkles in the head, like the skin all it gets off. You see the veins and she was a little bit you know, blue and white. We've never seen birth before. So he was like, oh my god, we're like, this is like, you know something seriously wrong with our child. Yep. That's hilarious. But yeah, that quickly goes away. And then we see and then he saw her beautiful face.

All right, shall we dive in?

Yeah, let's do it. Okay.

So ladies, I was wondering if you had any tips on making mom friends. I'm 30 years old and none of my existing friends have children yet. And nobody's easy love a mom friend. Fun to to hang with and have mom things in common. My daughter is almost a year old and we've been going to library groups and some class and we go to church. So I'm eating other moms and babies but it's so difficult because I feel like we're so mom with a baby focused as moms. So I forget to introduce myself all the time, but everyone knows my daughter's name. And it's almost like dating or like I don't know if the other moms are looking for friends and are open to it. Like I just for someone's number. I've been asked for someone's number of years. My husband like we're making jokes that I should make business cards and say that say like Do you want to be my friend and have my phone number and some interests on the back to try to meet moms outside of these groups? So yeah, last, any tips would be great. Thank you, ladies.

Well, this is very relatable, I think, I think many moms experience this. And she's right. When you have a newborn baby, you are so focused on the baby, and it takes up so much time. And it is really hard to get out and meet people, I can say, in my experience, I really didn't start making close friends in my community until my kids were in kindergarten, or at least preschool. School, it turns out, they were in school, you really do have to make an effort prior to that, because you're the ones that are in school, and they're playing sports, and they're in activities, you're constantly around the same people. So it's really easy to build those connections and friendships. But prior to that time, you do have to make an effort, you really have to go out of your way she is joining library groups that are mom and baby groups. We were just talking the other day about the importance of like La Leche League is a great organization where you can meet up with other moms with similar philosophies, and it's a regular meeting. I think the idea of business cards is cute. But it is just putting yourself out there like taking that step and not being afraid to ask if you want to be mom, friends. What do you think?

I just remember those days, so Well, it was so terribly lonely in the beginning. Because my whole life was dedicated to my career. And when I resigned from MasterCard, it was just I didn't realize how much endless connection and friendship and laughter I got there. And then suddenly, it was just so quiet. And I was so longing for a friend. And I used to look at other women with babies and genuinely contemplate introducing myself. And I wish I had because looking back I probably I realized she was probably any woman I saw was probably just as you know, the same long days, the same longing to connect with someone who's in the same lifestyle. And I just wish I took that chance a little more. But I didn't. And it's it's sad to me when I envisioned two women walking through Trader Joe's with their baby strapped on them not immediately being ushered together to form a connection, I did end up really changing my life pretty tremendously. When I joined my local holistic moms network group that was fabulous. And we had a monthly meeting. I still have a very best friend who I met from there. And that was just so much fun. And we were so like minded, we got to really share a lot of good ideas. And that was totally delightful. But until I started doing that, it was very difficult. So yeah, we asked the community and got a lot of the same answers. So I guess the key missing link is I think we have to be more risk taking i I discovered when I became a new mom how shy most other adults are. I took my son to these beautiful like music together music classes, we would all sit there with babies like eight to 12 months old sitting in a circle on the floor, holding our babies at the hips. And I just feel like all the women, they had to be there like I was to make friends. But all of them are smiling shyly down looking at their babies. Again, it's just like, so go grab lunch after, can we just go hang out after this.

And what she said was is so true. You you talk about the babies and you learn the baby's names, but you almost never learn the mother's name. It's like when you go to the dog park and you know all the dogs but you don't know the owners like we have to just switch switch the focus a little bit. And you're right, they're all there for the same reason they want camaraderie, connection community. So it is just taking that bold step to say, hey, let's get us all together.

Yeah, and my postpartum group, which I've been running weekly since 20. Basically since 2015 When I started I have very few rules in that group, but I'm pretty firm about the ones I have. I never say all the usual like, this is a no judgment zone. Like I never say all that usual. I don't I don't like all that stuff. I never have to say like this is a safe space. We don't do that. I don't know why I just I am a little bit allergic to that kind of talk. I just find it totally unnecessary. And it has never happened in these years that I ever heard another woman be anything but completely loving and supportive to the other women around her. But what I do say is one no apologizing. So if you start to cry, or if your baby starts to fuss, or if you sign in late, no apologizing, can you just come to one place in your life where you're not constantly apologizing? And the second thing is, keep the focus on you and not on your babies. So we're not going to get sidetracked into conversations about your favorite slings or weaning your baby that you guys can all do that off. On the side, because they're all connected outside of the group. But here we are here to check in on you guys. How are you doing? What's going on in your lives? What's going on in your relationships? What's going on in your career decisions? And because when do we really put the focus on myself? So, all right, well, there's a bunch of food for thought, I'm not sure we really gave her any new ideas. But to encourage boldness, and taking greater risks socially, I think, yeah, if we all are willing to put ourselves out there more, we're going to find more connection. And the worst thing that's going to happen is they don't give you a number. Oh, well, move on to the next one.

Hey, Cynthia, and Trisha, this is Jordan. I'm calling from Texas. And I have a question for y'all. This didn't make any sense to me when I read about this woman story. So wanted to check in with y'all. I was on Instagram, I think a couple of weeks ago, I don't even recall who this person was. I just happened to stumble across this post. I think she was a fitness influencer. And she was talking about her birth story. And she said that she had to have an emergency C section because her abdominal muscles were too tight. Have you ever heard of that before? And is that even any sort of medical indication that she can't even have the baby naturally? To me? It doesn't make any sense at all. So I wanted to hear your thoughts on this. Yeah, let me know. And thanks for everything y'all do on the show. And this one,

we're going to bring on Tara Gibson to answer for us because she's a pelvic floor specialist. She's been on the show. And let's hear what she has to say to this. Well,

let's just give a quick answer. And okay, I can give us a give us a more detailed explanation of this. But I think it's really important to acknowledge that her tight abdominal muscles are not the reason for an emergency cesarean section. There were definitely other things going on in that birth.

Whether that was you know, legitimate or not or the baby was malpositioned or whatever her position, epidural, all these things that it could have been but you don't have an emergency C section because your abdominal muscles are too tight.

Alright, let's see what pelvic floor physical therapist Tara Gibson of Norwalk, Connecticut has to say:

Regarding the question about the woman who explained that she had to have an emergency C section due to too much tightness in her abdominal wall. I have never understood that to be a risk factor during pregnancy for having to have a C section. Some of my questions to her would be about you know, what kind of exercise had she been doing? You know where she preterm or to term what was the first part of the labor like, I would also have questions about their pelvic floor. Because oftentimes when our structure is really tight around the abdomen, which is part of our core, that can correlate with a real tightness in the pelvic floor musculature, which can also affect whether someone is able to deliver their baby vaginally without complication. What I do find to answer the question or to expand upon the question in terms of risk factors associated with a very tight abdomen, which we'll call tight due to, you know, overly training the abdominal wall is more of a risk for severe dialysis, which is the spreading of the linea alba, which is the connective tissue that is right in the middle of the abdomen, running lunge, long ways from top to bottom along the navel that connects the surface level abdominal wall, the rectus abdominus. And if those are overtrained, the deeper abdominal wall is not being trained as well, which include the transverse abdominals and the internal obliques, and even the pelvic floor. If that deeper layer of stability is not trained with breath work and with posture, especially as a pregnancy progresses, there's going to be less support underneath which keeps the linea alba taut and less stretched in some ways it's going to stretch no matter what you're everyone's going to go through some level of diathesis during pregnancy. So but if they overtrain the surface layer muscles, there may be more of a diathesis. That's more of the risk factor in my estimation for having a tight abdominal wall. Because naturally in pregnancy with the change in our hormones, there's more relaxing hormone going through the body which is allowing our connective tissue to stretch with that happening. That is going to allow the abdomen to expand in such a way that would not be considered a risk factor for C section. There will be other components associated with that. I hope that answers the questions."

Yes, Tara that did help to answer the question. Thank you so much for pointing out that the key concern in such a situation is more around diastasis recti, rather than whether or not a baby can be born vaginally.

Hey, ladies, thank you so much for all you do. I absolutely love your q&a episodes. And I suggest your podcast often for my doula clients. I'm working with someone right now, who has type one diabetes. So my question is related to that. She, obviously we'll have different prenatal care because of this, as I think she should. And one of the things that her MSN just told her at her 12 week appointment is that she will be going in for regular third trimester scans for growth. And that starting at 32 weeks, they will want her to be getting testing done twice weekly, the non stress test and ultrasound and what all that is, but that seems a little excessive to me to already plan at 12 weeks when they haven't even seen any issues. So I'm just curious if that makes sense to you guys. Or if it would make more sense for that testing to only be done if they had found a reason to do so. That just seems like a lot at the end of her pregnancy to have to be going in twice a week.

All right, what do you say to type one diabetes protocols?

Well, I think we already know that most of these protocols are a little excessive. Once you get placed into high risk category, interventions are abundant in in pregnancy and birth. There are increased risks with being a type one diabetic and pregnancy that are very serious if your blood sugars are not well managed. So again, it's not about like, just because you have this diagnosis, you're going to have these problems. It's similar. It's a different kind of diabetes than gestational diabetes. But the problems are similar if the blood sugar isn't well managed, you know, you can have higher risk of preeclampsia, higher risk of preterm birth, higher risk of congenital malformations that can happen with type one, diabetes, high blood pressure, all of those things, but it's all dependent on how things are managed throughout the pregnancy. So twice weekly NSGs from 32 weeks on, in my opinion, if you're are having normal healthy pregnancy, and you don't aren't developing any of these higher risk problems, that feel would feel excessive to me, you have to look at your individual case every time.

So a nonstress test. What does it checking for it's checking for fetal movement,

it's checking to make sure that the heart rate is reactive. There are that the heart rate is doing what it's supposed to do when the baby moves.

Why would a woman with type one diabetes potentially have a baby whose heart rate is not appropriately reactive?

Because of all those risks that I just explained? But wouldn't they right, but if she did develop any of those things, wouldn't they see the symptoms of those first? And that's what I'm saying. But I'm just I'm just underscoring that it's because she's placed in a higher risk category. So we're going to do more routine interventions to make sure that we don't miss some sudden problem that we didn't catch somewhere else. It's up to her. Yes, you can go twice weekly for an STS and what that leads to, we don't know, we know that these that NSGs are not perfect tests. And you can have you know, women get induced unnecessarily at times. This is the medical system.

I'll tell you what it leads to it leads to induction, like you just said, right? Because whenever a woman has even just gestational diabetes, which is much more debatable than a woman with type one, it invariably leads to pressure to be induced. So I think that's what the doula is onto here. I think she's aware that if they check and check and check and everything looks great every single time they drag this poor woman in twice a week to check everything and put her through all that. They're not just going to go till 40 weeks 41 Oh, everything still looks great. Let's leave you alone. You know, the day is gonna come where they say, let's get this baby out now. Because that's what happens when a woman has gestational diabetes or certainly type one. So I'm kind of with the doula to be questioning this and I think twice a week sounds highly excessive.

Yeah, and type one diabetes is higher risk it is but it is all about how it's managed. So if you are taking your insulin appropriately, and you have appropriate lifestyle and your baby is growing normally and you are not developing additional complications of pregnancy, then you're having a normal pregnancy you're just at higher risk. Are those things happening? And if they happen, then yes, more monitoring is important. And if they don't, you probably don't need that much monitoring until something gives you indication that you do.

Hi, Cynthia Trisha, all the way from Europe, the Netherlands to be exact. Thank you for all your knowledge, I really love to show I have some questions regarding and I hope to pronounce it right filamentous cord in searchin. This was found during my 20 week ultrasound, and this is when the umbilical cord is not attached to the thick part of the placenta, but somewhere else on the membrane. The blood vessels are more fragile and need to travel further to get nutrients from the placenta. I have to wait till my later ultrasounds before my midwife can give me advice about the birth plan. But I would like to be prepared more about the options. Can you share your experience with this? i It could mean growth problems later on in pregnancy and problems during the birth of the placenta, I really reached for a natural birth. So I want to prepare myself what my options are. So I'm not pushed towards unnecessary induction or even Association. Thank you, and really appreciate your help. Thank you. Bye bye.

Right. So what she said is that with elementals court insertion, the umbilical cord attaches more into the membranes of the placenta rather than directly into the placenta, which means that the which means that the vessels are more exposed, and they don't have the same protection of the Wharton's jelly. It happens in about 1% of pregnancies, it's a little more common in multiples, so with twins. But it doesn't mean that she has to have a C section. And it doesn't mean that she has to be induced, it does mean that she or her care provider needs to be more aware that there are potential increased risks. By but if everything is going well, and the baby is growing well, and the baby is moving well and spontaneous labor happens then babies are born all the time with filamentous cord insertion that are completely unknown and do just fine.

I've had personally never heard an example of when filamentous cord insertion was a problem. But let me ask you this. If a woman does have this condition, does the risk tend to show up later in pregnancy? Like if everything is looking really good to month? 567? Do we pretty much no, she's good? Or do we have to get more cautious in the end?

Yes, it's it's it can become more of an issue as pregnancy progresses, because there's more strain on the vessels. And so one of the common things that you could see if filamentous cord was causing a problem is that it can slow the baby's growth. So this is where a lot of those IUGR cases come from. Ah, okay. So you have an increased risk of IUGR premature birth. C section is often offered in these cases. Baby but you know, babies could be at slightly higher risk of not tolerating labor contractions, especially if you involve Pitocin. So it's an it is kind of an important piece of information. But like I said, babies who mean women who don't have ultrasounds or this is not picked up on ultrasounds, they're born. And I've I've been there myself were like, Oh, wow, look at where you look at how the cord is inserted. And there was no problem at all in the pregnancy. But that doesn't mean that there isn't a slightly increased risk.

Makes sense. Alright, um, that is a wrap for the regular portion of the episode. If you'd like much more q&a, and we know you would love more q&a, just subscribe on Apple, or any tier on Patreon and you'll always get our extended episodes always ad free. Otherwise, we are on two quickies. Let's do it. Mikey time.

All right, here we go. First quickie.

Is it normal to have strong body odor at four to six months postpartum? It's insane. That's her saying that?

I've never heard that.

Well, first of all, when you're? Yes. I mean, I'm assuming she's breastfeeding. Because when you're breastfeeding one you sweat a lot. And your hormone, your hormones change and your body odor does change. Yeah, it is normal. I don't think it happens to everybody, but it's certainly not abnormal if it's happening to her. And it may never go up.

Think I would say okay, let's watch the next one.

Next is thoughts on vaginal, what are your thoughts on vaginal progesterone for early pregnancy loss. That's not a quickie. My my okay to answer it quickly, you know progesterone low progesterone is a reason that some women miscarry early low progesterone production. If you are going to use progesterone supplementation, it should be bioidentical. That's my main thing. And so you have to get bioidentical hormone therapy, usually through a compounding pharmacy. All right. But there are some bioidentical hormones on the market that you can get through regular prescription.

And we also got a question that someone called in and asked her about leg hair. She said she and her friends all developed a theory that the leg hair was, like, really, really intense.

related to a boy or girl. There's something called the testosterone which cracks me up because how much testosterone is a baby boy, producing more than a baby girl? Yeah, but I mean, come on, like unpaid. So we're not talking like 14 year olds, right? I mean, how is it really so much that it's changing? And she has all this extra hair? I don't know. I mean, it's it could also be an effective pregnancy hormones in some way.

Totally. Which might not be related to male or female, it just be related to that particular pregnancy. I mean, I was sure in my second pregnancy when I was having a girl that I was having a boy because I felt completely different. I was like, Oh, well, this has to be a gender thing. Why would it? Why would I feel so different? Now had another girl. All right. Should a midwife always carry oxygen to a birth? Absolutely. Yes. For the baby, not so much for the mom, it doesn't actually do that much to give a mother oxygen and labor used to be believed if you give if baby was having trouble with their heart rate and you give them other oxygen that you could increase the baby's heart rate. But it's really for the baby after birth. If the baby needs oxygen, you want to have oxygen on him? Why are VBAC candidates referred to as trial of labor since they're largely successful and safe? Very good question. So T Oh, yeah. Tll trial of labor.

No, reject the term. Don't let them change on us stop using it. Now. What I tell my clients and followers here is like having a VBAC or planning a VBAC is the right message for your body and your subconscious mind. But trying for a VBAC, hoping for a VBAC trial of labor. It almost sounds like someone's giving you permission to try. absolutely reject these terms never go along with that. You don't need to do that it does seep into the mind. I'm planning a VBAC I'm looking forward to my VBAC. That's it, we don't have to buy into this stuff. Don't let anyone coerce your language. I say this all the time on a host of different topics. No one can coerce your language.

So drop the P drop to and choose your language toe loudly

trial of labor after cesarean. Just you're just having a baby that's

like calling a wedding a trial of marriage. Really, when you think about it, if you've been divorced once now you're having a considering divorce statistics, why not do that? Yeah, we're gonna like send out the invitations. We're having a trial of marriage. Because we all know the statistics on divorce, come celebrate our trial of marriage. Why not? That would be more appropriate. Yeah. Okay, you're getting the wrong message from this entirely. But see what I'm saying. Can you imagine how that would change how you feel on your wedding day? Of course, you would go into it with the expectation that it's gonna fail.

It's your vision, of course, it would change the experience and it would probably change the outcome and change. Right worse rates in a positive direction, meaning more higher divorce rates. So right we must not do this with VBAC women and we must not do it with women planning back on natural births. Some are not trying for it. I agree landing under percent pay the planet and to feel a commitment to it. And then be

proud the expectation is you're going to have it? Yes, of course. Because the statistics actually support that.

Right, exactly. Exactly right. 80% better than the marriage statistics way better, way better. Usually you better go have a VBAC bigger

decision to get married than to have a VBAC. That's the takeaway. All the men listening are like stop. Alright, letting notions

What are your thoughts on laughing gas during labor and seven epidural? Oof. Yeah, I like it. Nitrous oxide we're talking about?

Yeah. I don't know. I'm into it. Yeah, no, I don't know my position on it.

Over an epidural. I'm not saying over physiologic birth.

No, I think yeah, I think that's a very, very rational and reasonable much function

much lower level of intervention, safer, easier, easier to just continue. I would definitely go that far. If you're an epidural. It works. It's effective. It's It's pretty harmless.

It's never discussed. I guess. It is more and more now, though. Yes, mine has been doing it for a long time, too.

Yeah. Okay. Is it normal for my two month old breastfeeding baby to poop only once every week? And is there anything I can do about it? Short answer here is it is considered to be in the normal range for breastfeeding baby to go that long. But normal and optimal are not the same thing. I would like to see a breastfeeding baby poop more frequently than that. And if they're not, I would want to just check some boxes to make sure that everything is okay. So definitely gotta look awake and make sure they're gaining weight. Well, they're gaining weight well, and they're happy breastfeeding, and they're only pooping once a week and I don't think you have a huge problem to worry about. But chiropractic care can be really helpful. cranial sacral or infant chiropractic can be really helpful at getting babies to move their bowels more frequently. It's not that they're constipated. You can't get constipated on breast. You can't get constipated on breast milk poop because it's soft. It's not hard. Constipation is blockage and hard. But you can have some weaker innervation to the bowels. And that can be helped through bodywork. One One more for the quickies before we before we end this.

Yeah, let's do it.

The question is, what is the last TV show you binge watched?

So easy for me because I watched like one TV show a year. Succession. I think it is the most brilliant show I have seen in my life. I thoroughly relish in all the satire and the incredible writing and acting a fantastic show. What did you watch the final season of marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I think she's hilarious. That show just makes me just, it's just so good to me. It's so funny. Although I have to say that earliest season was better than the final season.

Uh huh. I had the final season was really good. There was good, but not as good as the first season.

Just watching it the clothing and the whole era that they captured. So the awesome

it's just awesome. And the the characters, all the characters so good, all of them to parents. I love the four parents. And I love the guy who plays Lenny Bruce, isn't he? Yeah, he's great.

But that was a while ago. I did actually. Just since it was the end of summer. Start watching just a few nights ago. Suits. Have you watched that?

I've never seen it but my husband really enjoyed it.

It's a little predictable, but it's good. It's good. And Harvey Specter is sexy.

So hard to get me to watch television. My family sometimes tells me about shows they're watching and they'll all encourage me and I'm just like, Ah,

you can't you kind of like this kind of stuff. So you might get into it.

Attorneys if I can That's what I'm afraid of

you that's always a problem. I know it takes up time.

Thank you for joining us at the Down To Birth Show. You can reach us @downtobirthshow on Instagram or email us at Contact@DownToBirthShow.com. All of Cynthia’s classes and Trisha’s breastfeeding services are offered live online, serving women and couples everywhere. Please remember this information is made available to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is in no way a substitute for medical advice. For our full disclaimer visit downtobirthshow.com/disclaimer. Thanks for tuning in, and as always, hear everyone and listen to yourself.

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About Cynthia Overgard

Cynthia is a published writer, advocate, childbirth educator and postpartum support specialist in prenatal/postpartum healthcare and has served thousands of clients since 2007. 

About Trisha Ludwig

Trisha is a Yale-educated Certified Nurse Midwife and International Board Certified Lactation Counselor. She has worked in women's health for more than 15 years.

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